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How to Control a Goalie in NHL 23? Complete Guide with Tips and Tricks

When it comes to NHL 23, taking on the role of a goaltender can present a formidable challenge, particularly for newcomers to the game. Adding to the complexity, NHL 23 introduces X-Factor abilities, ushering in a fresh layer of difficulty.

These abilities enable players to execute lacrosse-style passes around or over the net, as well as execute last-second shots while falling. Mastering the intricate control system that governs goalies is pivotal in the journey towards becoming an adept netminder.

The cornerstone of goalie proficiency lies in fluid movement, a skill that necessitates a firm grasp of the controls. The goalie's territory, the crease, though relatively compact, offers ample room to safeguard the goal from all angles. As an opponent advances towards you, preparing for a shot, strategic positioning is crucial to thwart open scoring opportunities.

Often, you'll find yourself confronted by multiple attackers ready to strike. In such scenarios, tracking the puck and monitoring open assailants are essential. Swiftly transitioning to the other side of the net is achievable through Hug Goal and Slide moves. The following commands facilitate seamless shifts between the goalposts:

  • Hug Goal Post Left: LT + Left Stick Left (Xbox), L2 + Left Stick Left (PlayStation)
  • Hug Goal Post Right: LT + Left Stick Right (Xbox), L2 + Left Stick Right (PlayStation)
  • Slide Move: Right Stick Left or Right (Xbox & PlayStation)

Comprehensive Guide to NHL 23 Goalie Controls

ActionPS4 & PS5 ControlsXbox One & Series X|S Controls
Toggle Manual GoalieL1 + XLB + A
Change Camera ViewTouchpadView
Move GoalieLL
ButterflyR2 (hold)RT (hold)
Paddle DownR2 (hold) + XRT (hold) + A
Hug Left PostL1 + L (left)LB + L (left)
Hug Right PostL1 + L (right)LB + L (right)
Hug Post (VH)L1 + L (left) or L (right) + R2LB + L (left) or L (right) + RT
Precision ModifierL2LT
Diving SaveSquare + L (left) or L (right)X + L (left) or L (right)
Diving Poke CheckSquare + L (up)X + L (up)
Spread VR (away from the puck)R (away from the puck)
Stack PadsCircle + L (left) or L (right)B + L (left) or L (right)
Butterfly SlidesR (lateral to the puck)R (lateral to the puck)
Poke CheckR (upwards)R (upwards)
Cover PuckTriangle (hold)Y (hold)
Free SkateXA
Dump PuckR (upwards)R (upwards)
Pass PuckR2RT
Leave Puck for TeammateL2LT
Pull & Replace GoalieL2 + TouchpadLT + View

Effectively blocking shots is a multifaceted art in NHL 23. It demands a keen understanding of the control dynamics for various defensive scenarios. Key considerations when defending against a shot revolve around identifying the vulnerabilities in your goalkeeping position.

When the opponent takes a shot, the choice between adjusting your body or manipulating your stick and glove becomes paramount.

Blocking high and low shots in NHL 23 as a goalie

Shielding against high and low shots necessitates distinct strategies. Your glove is primed to automatically respond to close-range high shots. Ensuring proper positioning is crucial to prevent these shots from finding their mark. Hugging one side of the goalpost can often truncate angles and neutralize high shots effectively.

For low shots, tactical variations come into play. In your standard stance, the five-hole – the gap between your legs – remains exposed. Executing a butterfly maneuver can effectively close this opening and thwart pucks from sneaking beneath you.

Activating the butterfly in NHL 23 requires holding R2 (PlayStation) or RT (Xbox). Alternatively, stacking your pads can bolster defense on one side by holding Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox), while simultaneously manipulating the left stick in your desired defensive direction.

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